If your visa/nomination application has been unsuccessful you’re next option is to lodge an appeal with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).
Obviously, this can be a stressful time, but we are here to help you through each step of the process. So, let’s look at what the AAT is and what steps are involved.
What is the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)?
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAP) conducts independent reviews into administrative decisions made under Commonwealth laws. These include decisions made by the Department of Home Affairs (Department of Immigration).
So, if your visa application has been unsuccessful, the AAT can review the merits of that decision.
If the AAT finds in your favour, there are a number of actions it can take. These can include setting aside the department’s decision, or remitting the original decision and sent it back to the Department to be reconsidered.
How we can help you with this process
We start by reviewing the Department’s decision. From there we lodge an application with AAT on your behalf.
Next, we will seek to obtain access to your file to get a better understanding of the reasons why your initial application was rejected.
We will advise you on the prospects of your appeal.
Should you wish to proceed after this point, the next step is to have us create detailed legal submissions to the AAT, which we will undertake on your behalf. We will explain to you how the actual hearing will be run and will be with you throughout the hearing, helping you to get the best possible outcome.
It’s important to understand that the AAT do not grant visas. They are merely considering whether the criteria for granting a visa have been met.
Contact us today
Time is a factor when it comes to AAT appeals. Contact us today and let us help you through this process.